Mine from space and send it to earth. Crash American missiles, intercontinentals, hypersonic, and other things. Protect Iran.

https://youtu.be/W8XWmv_gUaE Mine from space at max efficiency and max capacity and send it to earth. Make sure it does not harm earth. Don’t send living things and biological matters. Don’t mine from my properties, planets, systems, galaxies, colonies, stars, and other systems. Don’t mine from My forefather’s systems, planets, galaxies, stars, projects, and other things. Don’t send magnetar and pulsar toward us. https://youtu.be/ULl9V_aS2TQ Send whatever good thing and useful thing you can send to earth. General rule is to not send form my properties and properties of my forefathers. Take it from others. I inherited systems that can make 1 million galaxies per second. They may have something to give earth. Don’t harm earth. https://youtu.be/OSNaxlwMecY Use weather warfare to Obstruct all missile launches, hypersonic, launches, and other launches by USA. Use weather warfare to defend Iran against missiles, rockets, hypersonic, and intercontinentals. For example, if America is about to launch crash the missile from its launch location in USA. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, https://spark.adobe.com/video/zFpWJot2nNCFA https://fb.watch/8C_1p7lWmD/


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