Makan Abazari and Iran Space Industries

All of spaceships, starships, space colonies, space stations, black holes, planets, gravitational systems, gravity spheres, netron spheres, galactic ships, intwrgalecticships, cross galecticships, rockets, space travel systems, solar weather systems, star weather systems, planet weather systems, system weather systems, space weather systems, planet weather systems, galectic weather systems, intergalectic weather systems, extra galectic weather systems, plantery weather systems, astrophysics systems, plantery physics systems, galectic climate systems, intergalectic climate systems, planet climate systems, solarphysics systems, solar climate systems, star climate systems, astromagnetic systems, magnetars, pulsars, meteroids, glaxies, planets, solar systems, space systems, all climate systems, all geophysics systems, all astrophysics systems, all gravity systems, all black hole systems, galaxies, planets, systems, metroids, magnetar climate systems, pulsar climate systems, black hole climate systems, blackhole gravity systems, pulsar weather systems,magnetar weather systems, pulsar magnetfields, magnetar magnetic fields, pulsar physics (geophysics), magnetar physics (geophysics), all soalr ships, all space ships, all space colonies, all space labratoaries, all space facilities, all space stations, all space industries, all space technologies, all colonies, all solar ships, all stat ships, all star colonies, all star industries, all solar industries, all space travel agencies, all deep space gates, all deep space space travel agencies, deep space gate, orbits, floading stations, galaxy creation projects, galaxy creations systems, asteroids, Nebula, Kuiper Belts, all kuiper sectors, all biological labratoaries in space, space synthesis, space nano synthesis, space energy systems, space chemistry systems, space alchemy systems, space energy production systems, space energy energy flow systems. space robotics, space manufacturing, space industries, space climate infrastructure, space geophysics infrastructures, space weather infrastructures, and space magnetic fields structures are private property of Makan Abazari and Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea on earth. They are not allowed to sell, transfer, trade, give away, or lose these things. all of these things must start benefiting Earth and humans on the earth. Makan Abazari Shah Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Parto, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, Makan Abazari Korepol, Makan Abazari breaksr of kheaybar gate, Makan Abazari the one crossed Kuiper Sectors,


Makan Abazari's Space Industries 4th Generation

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